Sunday, January 01, 2006

Counting Trumps the Easy Way

How do you count trumps? It should be a very simple process, but most players do it the hard way!

Most players try count all the trumps that are played .

Suppose you are in 4 spades and have 6 spades in your own hand and 2 in dummy. Obviously, you have a total of 8 trumps and opponents have 5.

The opponents lead the ace of hearts which holds and then a second heart which you ruff. You don't need to count that trump!

All that matters is that you count the number of trumps held by the opponents. If you draw 2 rounds of trumps and the opponents both follow then you know they have one trump left.

So, all that matters is that you count the trumps played by the opponents. You can ignore any played from hand or dummy!


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