Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here are the answers to the quiz on 'Forcing or Not Forcing"

1 club (opener)- 1 heart (responder)-1 spade

Answer: This is perhaps the most contentious sequence. According to Crowhurst the sequence is not forcing in Acol. I certainly play it as forcing on the argument that a rebid of one spade by the opener can be treated as an opening bid of one spade, which of course is forcing.

1 diamond- 1 spade- 2 hearts

Answer: A reverse by opener is not forcing. The hand should contain 17-18 points or somewhat fewer with 6-5 distribution.

1 diamond- 1 heart- 2 spades

Answer: A jump shift at the 2-level is forcing to game.

1 heart- 1 spade- 3 clubs

Answer: A single jump in a new suit at the 3-level is forcing to game.

1 club- 1 heart- 3 spades

Answer: A double jump in a new suit at the 3-level is a splinter bid agreeing partner's suit and usually a singleton in the suit bid.

1 diamond - 1 heart- 4 clubs

Answer: This is another splinter bid although the double jump takes the bidding to the 4-level.

1 diamond -1 spade- 4 diamonds

Answer: Splinter bid as above.


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